An abridged 150 million year history of the Whakanewha Regional Park on Waiheke Island, told using a traditional 'crankie' storytelling device. Created with the children of Waiheke Island, January 2021
Demeter and Persephone
Filmed in the Garden of Story , Awaawaroa Eco Village, Waiheke Island Aotearoa, NZ. Easter 2021
Dance Upon Our Earth
More information about the Dance Upon Our Earth project and teaching resource can be found on the Dance Upon Our Earth page
Water Cycle, track 1 & 2 on album
Pekapeka Action Song, track 5 & 6 on the album.
Marama the Moon, track 10.
Pollinator Power, track 14
The Creation of the Earth, track 16
Tuna Tale, track 3 & 4 on album.
Round & Round, track 8
Sun’s House, track 11.
Seed Massage, track 12
Tectonic Plates, track 17.